Corporate Communication

Corporate communication is the sum total of how you position yourself on the market as a company or orgnisation:
- your social role,
- your role as an employer,
- your product range,
- your pricing,
- your role in sustainability and responsible entrepreneurship, etc.
In order to convey this properly, it is important that you make the connection with what’s going on in the outside world. Involve the right stakeholders in your story and bring the right contacts to the table to achieve your goal as an organisation in a harmonious way.
The stakeholders we have in mind here include policy makers, government institutions, activists, consumers, interest groups, shareholders, trade unions, employees and the general public.

What does this involve?
- Perception analyses
- Identifying stakeholders according to their relationship to your company, products and services or business plans
- Developing a vision, mission and values
- Determining communication objectives and messages
- Developing basic communication tools such as a general corporate presentation, a corporate film, corporate events, speeches, etc.
- Supervision of mergers, acquisitions, name change, rebranding, restructuring, relocation, crisis communication, etc.
Do you have questions about corporate communication?